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Messiah from Montreal

剧情: 加拿大 2001-10-12  2001

Life with Judy Garland: Me and My Shadows

剧情: The movie starts off at the beginning of Judy Garland\'s life singing when she was two years old. It jumps to when she was 12 and was signed by MGM and later wh...


剧情:   本片为芭芭拉史翠珊和琥碧戈德柏联合制作的电影,是一部温馨感人的剧情片,片中深入探讨有关到道德、法律和伦理等多重主题。      珍宁尼尔逊(Brooke Shields)是个社会的边缘人,她是个快乐而努力经营爱情的女同志,由于渴望拥有自己的家庭,珍宁和她的伴侣珊蒂(Cherry&nbs...


The Ride

剧情: 加拿大 2000-08-27  2000


剧情: A new reporter (Rob Morrow) is brought to a Philadelphia newspaper to provide court coverage in this 70\'s era fact-based story. One of the first cases brought ...


"Twice in a Lifetime"

剧情: The inspiring and provocative series is back for a second season tapping into the universal fantasy: to be given a second chance to fix an error of the past. Ev...

A Saintly Switch

剧情: Although this is a high-concept comedy, the basic theme deals with very important and timely issues, a family in trouble, sex roles in modern society and the fr...


剧情: 剧情简介加拿大拍制的清新文艺片,在湖光山色之间透过一段忘年之交的异族友情来探讨黑白种族问题,较好莱坞的同类电影多了一种优雅之感。剧情描述包德温家两兄弟吉米和杭特在父亲过世后,到湖滨小屋度暑假,在那里他们认识了黑人医生威廉,进而成为好友。威廉是当地唯一拥有私人土地的黑人,这种特殊地位使他遭受很多种族歧视的压力。两兄弟的爷...


剧情:   在这部悬疑谍报惊悚片中,一位卧底的美国政府探员在有机会将情报送出去前便在北韩遭到逮捕,北韩的情报局与美国中情局虽然知道该探员握有重要的情报,却不清楚该情报的内容。      此时,一位已退休的情报人员(Tom Berenger)加入了这场谍对谍的游戏,他奉命解救被捕的探员与其掌握的情报...

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