电影网>明星资料馆>Albert Welling



Hindenburg: Titanic of the Skies

剧情: 加拿大 2007-05-06  2007|德国 2007-04-24  2007|英国 2007-09-17  2007


Perfect Parents

剧情: This show is about a couple who pretend to be Catholic to get their daughter into a good school, but their lies turn into a mess of fraud, violence and murder. ...


剧情: 以1983-1988撒切尔夫人连任英国首相时期为背景, The Line Of Beaut以写实的手法,从一个同志青年Nick着手,描写了当时英国社会的变迁。 Nick是一个来自普通商人家庭的牛津大学毕业生,毕业之后成了保守党员的儿子间好友的Toby家房客。与此同时,Nick的...


The Secretary Who Stole £4 Million

剧情: When Joyti De-Laurey gets a temp job as a PA for a manager at Goldman Sachs she is determined to make a good impression. Going the extra mile she quickly gets o...


剧情: 这是一部讲述发生在1857年印度反叛时期,关于友谊、爱情、失去和背叛的史诗巨著。关注了一位印度士兵和英国指挥官威廉·戈登间的友谊。《抗暴英雄》的背景是1857年英殖民时代的印度,一个叫莽卡班迪(Mangal Pandey)的印度兵团小队长,因不满当时的东印度公司迫害印度平民及不尊重宗教信仰,愤而带领一连的印度兵...


"Tell Me Lies"

剧情: 英国 2004-11-15  2004|瑞典 2005-09-22  2005|澳大利亚 2005-11-18  2005

"The Inspector Lynley Mysteries" If Wishes Were Horses

剧情: 德国 2005-04-24  2005|英国 2004-03-25  2004

Lie with Me

剧情: Ros Tyler wakes from a drugged sleep to find that her flatmate is dead and she herself has been viciously sexually assaulted. She has also suffered acute memory...


剧情: 44年1月二战进入重要阶段,同盟国决定必须开辟第二战场以更快消灭法西斯纳粹政权,于是决定在法国诺曼底登陆,解放法国,直捣柏林。盟军历时半年准备,本片从这个时候开始,向你细述诺曼底登陆的前前后后,还有诺曼底登陆的各种因素,特工活动,对德国的高超战术,战争摄影师的杰作等等……英国 2004-06-06 ...

"Charles II: The Power & the Passion"

剧情: The focus of King Charles II is his court, his squabbling family and his glamorous mistresses - from the high-born and promiscuous Barbara Villiers through folk...

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