


The Need

剧情: 美国 2006-01-01  2006


Falling Sky

剧情: Emily (Brittany Murphy), a young girl coming of age in lower class Las Vegas, must deal with her alcoholic mother, Resse (Karen Allen). Written by Patrick Sp...

The Brave Little Toaster Goes to Mars

剧情: 美国 1998-05-19  1998Military Toaster: We\'re ready to pop. The Supreme Commander will be very pleased. Toaster: Viking 1! Kirby: The satell...


Killing Mr. Griffin

剧情: The high school students didn\'t mean to kill Mr. Griffin. They wanted to make him suffer. But when their mean English teacher turns up dead, they have to find ...


"Life with Louie"

剧情: 美国 1995-09-09  1995advertisement Dad: [Listening to radio] Aw good it\'s a fishing show. Ah! It\'s a Christmas show disguised as a fishi...


MacShayne: The Final Roll of the Dice

剧情: MacShayne is back, now he is the head of security at the hotel where he stayed in the previous movie. And he has his hands full. First he has to take care of th...


剧情: A high school senior comes to visit Port Chester (aka Politically Correct U) for the weekend, and the admissions department mistakenly sets him up to stay with ...


剧情: 剧情简介电影大导演乔.丹蒂为电视拍摄的精彩作品。时代背景是风气纯真的1957年,少女玛丽怀疑自己搞大了肚子,于是带同两位闺中好友追赶到圣地牙哥去,希望在其男友包伯前往海军报到之前把他逮住。另一方面,三名少女的父母以为她们被绑架,乃找警察和私家侦探寻人。经过一番扰攘之后,玛丽才赫然她根本没有怀孕。这个类似通俗剧的情节经过...

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