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内布拉斯加 6

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  • 影帝提名者布鲁斯·邓恩亮相 妻子女儿陪伴左右

  • 影帝提名者布鲁斯·邓恩亮相 妻子女儿陪伴左右

  • 影帝提名者布鲁斯·邓恩亮相 妻子女儿陪伴左右

  • 最佳女配角候选人斯奎布亮相 银发绿裙可爱富态

  • 最佳女配角候选人斯奎布亮相 银发绿裙可爱富态

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公主 (2007)

  • 主演:Patrice Banaïas Patrice Binaisa Pamelyn Chee Brian Danforth Nanrisa Lee 
  • 简介:   北京女孩莎莎跟京剧男旦演员玩一夜情后怀有身孕,跑到三藩市堕胎,却遇上前男友的同性恋人。她年轻、率性,是无畏无惧的新一代,象征着极速发展下的新中国思潮,在王颖敏锐而淡然的镜头下,少不了夫子自道的况味。 [详细]

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艾莉丝· Alice Braga

  • 职业: 演员 
  • 简介: 艾莉丝·,巴西演员。最先出现是在奥卡最佳外语片获得者《上帝之城》当中,里约热卢贫民窟的乞丐和阿飞们中间里光彩照人的是那么的显眼。《我是传奇》当中和威尔史密演对手戏。... [详细]

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索妮亚· Sonia Braga

道格· Douglas Booth

  • 职业: 演员 
  • 简介: 熟悉时尚的人可能在Burberry广告中见过的脸,爱玛·沃森旁边的那位。他出演了被誉为“2010年TV界顶级事件”——由雷德利·科特和托尼·科特制作的史诗剧集《世间之柱》(The [详细]

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卡洛· Carlos Gallardo

离开 (1995)

离开拉斯维加斯 6

德· Brad Garrett

  • 职业: 演员 其他 
  • 简介: Standing 6 feet 8-1/2 inches tall, Garrett grew up in Woodland Hills outside of Los Angeles. His father was a hearing aid specialist working in geriatrics and his mother was a housewife. Garrett spent a whopping six weeks at UCLA before going into stand-up comedy full time. He began performing his act at various Los Angeles comedy clubs, getting his start at the Ice House in Pasadena and the Improv in Hollywood. In 1984, he became the first $100,000 grand champion winner in the comedy category of Star Search (1983). This led to his first appearance, at age 23, on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson (1962), making him one of the youngest comedians ever to perform on the show. In 1986, Garrett told a joke the talent booker warned him against and he hasn't been on the show since. Following his "Tonight Show" appearance, Garrett's career took off, garnering him headlining gigs at several national venues as well as opening spots for legends including Diana Ross and Liza Minnelli. He has headlined at Bally's Park Place and co-headlined with The Temptations at Trump Plaza. He has also worked at The Sands Hotel in Las Vegas with Frank Sinatra, Caesar's Palace with David Copperfield, and Smokey Robinson, Harrah's with Sammy Davis Jr. and The Beach Boys, and Radio City Music Hall with Julio Iglesias. In 1989, the Las Vegas Review Journal named him the Best Comedian working on the strip. Changing gears, he made his way into the world of television. He struck gold with Everybody Loves Raymond (1996). Apart from his supporting role in sitcoms, he has also done voice-overs and appeared in a few films. In 1998, Garrett made a real-life proposal to his then real-life girlfriend, Jill Diven, on the set of Everybody Loves Raymond (1996). Garrett currently resides in Hollywood, California with his two Labradors Retrievers, Gus and Mabel. [详细]

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·本 Bruce Bennett

J·J·艾 J.J. Abrams

  • 职业: 导演 
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泽丹克· Zdenek Sverák

情迷 (2008)

情迷拉斯维加斯 6.1


阿布拉克萨斯祭 6.7
  • 主演:友阪理惠 本上真奈美 小林薰 
  • 简介: 僧人净念以前是一名摇滚歌手,他一度因为对音乐的狂热爱好而产生幻听,不得不住院进行忧郁症治疗。如今,净念栖身于福岛某小镇的一家禅寺中,和妻子多惠及五岁的儿子理有过着平静的生活。 这天,净念应邀参[详细]

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鬼精灵3-大闹 (1995)

鬼精灵3-大闹拉斯维加斯 6

赌侠大战 (1999)

赌侠大战拉斯维加斯 7.4
  • 主演:陈百祥 张家辉 刘德华 林熙蕾 万梓良 
  • 简介:   赌侠King与化骨龙击败了马交文后,上表哥阿叻,三人合力骗来一笔巨款后准备风流快活。不料大眼文派人追杀,据走化骨龙。而King、叻二人被邀往赌城,捉拿在中国境骗走四十亿人民币的 [详细]

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尼可莱塔· Nicoletta Braschi

  • 职业: 演员 
  • 简介: 尼可莱塔·基,意大利演员。她的朴实掩盖不了她的高贵,她的优雅,她举手投足间有一种淡淡的性感,很平淡,却让人回味,不知不觉由而外的欣赏她。Braschi与Benigni相识于片场,贝尼尼对其一 [详细]

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哥斯拉对美加洛 5.9
  • 主演:佐佐木胜彦 Hiroyuki Kawase Yutaka Hayashi Robert Dunham Kotaro Tomita 
  • 简介: 海底王国的人因不满人类的核武试爆干扰他们,因而派出梅洛毁灭地上世界,并且控制了人造机器人喷射积格坐向导,不过人类终究夺回了喷射积格的控制权,并且通知了哥吉来消灭这只怪兽,没想到海底人连络 [详细]

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