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The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Demons of Deception

剧情: 美国 2007-12-18advertisement Remy Baudouin: I can\'t believe you actually did that. You could have ended up in front of a firing squad! I...


剧情: 尼古拉斯·安吉尔是伦敦警察局的一名敬业而出色的警官,他的业绩如此优秀,以至警局里的其他人都会因他而黯然失色。于是,上司将他派到偏远的斯坦福德村庄。20年来,那里没发生过一起谋杀案。   安吉尔和丹尼·巴特曼结成了搭档,巴特曼善良、热心而天真,他是当地警局督察员的儿子,还是一个动作片影迷。安吉尔的到来让巴特曼有...


剧情: Catherine St.John-Burke is an independent, uptight, status obsessed, sophisticated, British woman, living alone in London\'s Chelsea, and doing herself no favor...


In Your Dreams

剧情: Albert Ross was the most ambitious little boy in the world until an 11 year old girl broke his heart. Now he\'s grown up to be an embittered dentist, he\'s done...


剧情: 在1966年的夏天,世界杯终于回到了现代足球的发源地——英国。12岁的男孩Bernie也迎来了他生命中最重要的一天:他的成人礼(犹太女孩和男孩在13岁右进行的开始承担成年人宗教义务的仪式,女孩的成人礼是bat-mitzvah,男孩是bar-mitzvah)。但是他的家庭却面临着一系列的问题,而与此同时,世界杯决...



剧情:   本片包括关于时间、哲思与生命的8个故事: 《水的寓言》   一些阿拉伯人准备偷渡到德国,途中走散,一位老者请一个年轻人去找点水喝,年轻人在路上遇到了一位骑摩托车运啤酒的女郎,他帮她修好了失灵的摩托车,并来到她开的小酒店,这才得知自己来到的是意大利。他和女郎相爱随后结婚,在婚礼上,已经怀孕的女郎羊水破了。他们有了...


Cor Blimey!

剧情: 英国 2000-04-24  2000Barbara Windsor: I think heaven\'s being left alone with a Steinbeck in the edit suite. You sit in front of your life and you\...


剧情: A young woman named Virginia (Kimberly Williams) and her father, Tony (John Larroquette) are lured into a land where fairy tales are real! But the adventure is ...


"Bad Girls"

剧情: Hard-hitting, original and controversial, Bad Girls depicts the trials and triumphs of prison inmates and officers in a notorious women\'s prison. It\'s a tense...

"Holby City"

剧情: Drama series depicting the frenetic daily lives of the doctors, nurses and patients in the hectic cardiac unit of Holby City General Hospital. The unit is run b...

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