


"Power Rangers Mystic Force"

剧情: Legend says when the darkness arises, five brave teen sorcerers will be called to fight for the planet\'s survival - with the guidance from their wise mentor an...


"Power Rangers S.P.D."

剧情: Fifteen years into the future, Earth has welcomed alien beings to live with humans. But peace is short lived, as a planet conquering alien force turns its destr...



剧情: 版本一 故事发生在新西兰一个独特的小镇,以一个失常的家庭为中心,影片由一个未成年人的故事,回家的故事以及古怪的哥特故事三部分构成。   听闻父亲死讯,一名享誉国际的战地记者保罗(马修麦克费狄恩)从欧洲赶回家乡参加葬礼,这是十七年来头一回踏上纽西兰故乡的土地,他的到访震惊到了兄长安德鲁,个性有天壤之别的两人只...

Not Only But Always

剧情: 澳大利亚 2006-12-03  2006|英国 2004-12-30  2004[Peter discovers Dudley shagging a young woman in his dressing room when he should be get...


"Cleopatra 2525"

剧情: An exotic dancer, cryogenically frozen in the year 2001, is accidentaly thawed out in 2525 by two female warriors who are fighting against evil robots which hav...


Hercules and Xena - The Animated Movie: The Battle for Mount Olympus

剧情: Mighty Zeus brings Hercules\' mother, Alcmene, to Mount Olympus, and Hercules, believing she has been kidnapped, leads a rescue mission to save her. Zeus\' jeal...


Topless Women Talk About Their Lives

剧情: Liz has missed an appointment to have an abortion. She has to keep her child, and neither her boyfriend Geoff nor child\'s father Neil are too happy about it. S...


"Hercules: The Legendary Journeys"

剧情: 法国 1995-01-16  1995|美国 1995-12-08  1995|德国 1996-02-16  1996|葡萄牙 1997-02-08  1997|荷兰 1997-07-07&...

"Xena: Warrior Princess"

剧情: 美国 1995-09-15  1995 (French speaking region)|德国 1996-10-27  1996 (re-release)|法国 1996-11-02  1996|葡萄牙 1997-03-...

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