电影网>明星资料馆>Jean de Segonzac



美国谍梦 第三季

剧情:   这部背景设在80年代的剧集,故事讲述了一对被组织安排在美国生活的克格勃特工夫妻Phillip和Elizabeth,他们与两个不知道自己父母真实身份的孩子一起生活。他们的关系随着时间的推进越来越亲密和真诚,但是冷战的升级和间谍组织对他们保持的关注和监视也在考验着他们之间的情感。更复杂的是Phillip越来越适应美国的...


风城大佬 第一季

剧情:   Tom Kane(凯尔希·格兰莫)是“风城”芝加哥的市长,可以说他就是位于这座城市权力之网中心的那只大蜘蛛,这个网同时也是权力与进步达成的契约之网。   人们希望被领导,争端被解决,工作被分配,忠诚被回报,如果必须通过骗术与违背道德的方式才能达成这一切,Tom Kane觉得也未尝不可。只要任务完成了,人们便会另眼...



剧情: 在未来的某一天,海平面由于地质结构的变化而可能急剧上升。但是大多数普通人却并不知情。就如潜水员Thomas和Jack兄弟俩只是为了工作才从教会手中接下一个任务,从一座半水下的古城里取出一个装有不明古董的盒子。任务在有惊无险中完成了。但是兄弟俩的惊险之路才刚刚开始。德国 2008年10月31日 泰国 2008年11月1...


"The Jury"

剧情: New York is the setting for this courtroom drama about a jury of 12 different men and women delibrating various capital crime cases while under the supervision ...



剧情: In the late 1800\'s a new addition to law enforcement is evolving. Forensic science is in its infancy and the Wild West will never be the same. Enter Federal Ma...

Code 11-14

剧情: An FBI agent went to Australia with his family to capture a serial killer. When Australian Police captured the main suspect, he and his family went back to USA....


剧情: "Dum-de-dum-dum!" Those four notes signaled the 2003 return of one of TV\'s all-time classic police dramas, "Dragnet." This time, Ed O\'Neill (i...


Glory Days

剧情: After his father\'s mysterious death, a young novelist confronting writer\'s block, steals back to his rural roots, in search of inspiration - and answers. On h...

"The Twilight Zone"

剧情: 德国 2005-05-18  2005|冰岛 2004-01-02  2004|阿根廷 2003-07-05  2003|加拿大 2002-09-22  2002|美国 2002-09-18...



剧情: This show centers on the NYPD\'s Major Case Squad (and the offbeat, Sherlock Holmes-like Detective Robert Goren) in its efforts to stop the worst criminal offen...

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