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The Boy from Out of This World

剧情: Lloyd Kaufman: They make Shylock look like Bambi.


The Nutt House

剧情: 剧情简介堪称现代版的《乞丐王子》,再加上《冒牌总统》式的政治讽刺笑料,构成一部疯狂喜剧。故事主人翁纳森和菲尔柏是一对孪生兄弟,精神有问题的纳森从小被母亲送进疗养院,成为一个多重人格错乱患者。菲尔柏则受到良好教养,成为政界要人,并准备入主白宫。纳森误打误撞逃到了菲尔柏家,闹出连篇笑话。菲尔柏不想跟落魄的弟弟相认,通知收容...


The Dark Backward

剧情: A man pursues stand-up comedy encouraged by his fellow garbage man. Though his friend, who accompanies him on accordion, continues to tell him how great he is, ...

Switched at Birth

剧情: This is the story of the two babies who were switched at birth. A few years later when one of the girls gets sick and tests revealed that she was not the daught...


Get Smart, Again!

剧情: Maxwell Smart is called back to duty as KAOS is back causing trouble again, this time with a \'weather machine\'. Although instructed to keep his mission secret...



剧情: 美国 1977-09-15  1977|英国 1979-01-06  1979|法国 1983-09-18  1983advertisement [Jon announces his proposal for a ...


Get to Know Your Rabbit

剧情: A young businessman (Tom Smothers) goes to a magic expert (Orson Welles) to learn hardness and skill with his cynical and greedy collaborators. He becomes a ver...

"The Bob Newhart Show"

剧情: 美国 1972-09-16  1972advertisement Howard Borden: I was, uh, just decorating my Christmas tree and I was wondering, is there a trick to st...

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