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剧情: 一颗巨大的陨石挟带着无数颗小陨石,接二连三撞击地球之后,最大的危机才将到来。美国太空总署以最新的武器--雷射炮准备将它一举摧毁,不料没成功反而造成数以万计的陨石朝地球而来,且速度更快,人类历史将在二十四小时内消失,地球如何自救…………   资料提供『巨图』With the discover...


A Child's Cry for Help

剧情: A recently widowed doctor moves with her daughter to start at a new hospital. While there a loving mother brings her son in for treatment. The doctor suspects t...


Perry Mason: The Case of the Telltale Talk Show Host

剧情: Dr Sheila Carlin is good friends with Della who calls Perry in when she is being pestered by someone. On the theory that it could be somebody that she works wit...

Perry Mason: The Case of the Skin-Deep Scandal

剧情: 美国 1993-02-19  1993|德国 1995-06-03  1995


Perry Mason: The Case of the Poisoned Pen

剧情: Bradley Thompson, a famous crime writer, is in town to collect an award for his latest book. However he is a fraud. Bradley takes information, book plots and so...


Hot Dog... The Movie

剧情: Naive corn-pone skiing wunderkind picks up beautiful hitchhiking bimbo on way to ski competition. Once at the ski competition he is taunted in the daytime and l...


剧情: 版本一: 里克・贾斯科(汤姆・汉克斯饰)即将和自己的未婚妻完成婚礼,却并是那么顺心。因为新娘的父母讨厌他,而新娘的前男友也非常讨厌他,他们都是有钱的人,而里克却靠为天主教学校开校车维持生计。在里克将要结婚之际,他的朋友们决定给他举办一个所有单身派对中最奢华的一个单身派对:有最贵的宾馆、酒宴、电影,还有...

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