电影网>明星资料馆>Pam Ward



A Child's Cry for Help

剧情: A recently widowed doctor moves with her daughter to start at a new hospital. While there a loving mother brings her son in for treatment. The doctor suspects t...


The Women's Club

剧情: 美国 1993-05-29  1993Patrick: Take care of her, she\'s a classic. Vallet: Yeah. A classic piece of junk. Patrick: I gotta split man. C-I-A-O...


Perry Mason: The Case of the Reckless Romeo

剧情: Sleazy talk show host Ted Mayne writes a tell-all book, which enrages and embarrasses several very prominent women. One of them, actress Roxanne Shield, loses h...


剧情:   新新人类足球队、另类作风酷教练!柴斯特奉老板之命,当由员工女儿组成的少女足球队的教练,为了使原本球技奇差 无比的球队成为明星队,以讨好老板,他不惜利用女友的儿子,把他乔装成女生混入球队,然而,足球队尚未赢得比 赛,却已闹出笑话一箩筐。Chester Lee must take on the co...


The Secret Life of Archie's Wife

剧情: Bunny, an unhappily married Denver housewife, frustrated and stressed out over her uncommunicative businessman husband Archie as well as planing their daughter\...


Perry Mason: The Case of the Avenging Ace

剧情: Air Force Lt. Col. Kevin Parks was arrested and convicted for a murder of a woman and is trying to appeal for the second time when one of the first appeal lawye...


Perry Mason: The Case of the Lost Love

剧情: An old flame of Mason\'s is one of those being considered to fill a vacated government position. Now, her husband\'s approached by a man who says he knows his w...

Perry Mason: The Case of the Scandalous Scoundrel

剧情: Perry is sueing a gutter trash newspaper that is running a story about a love affair between him and Della. The editor also has \"dirt\" files on an Army Genera...


Manhunt for Claude Dallas

剧情: This is the story is based on an actual incident. Claude Dallas\' a man who loves to be free, so he leaves in the mountains where he hunts for his food. However...


School Spirit

剧情: The only thing keeping Billy Batson from the girl of his dreams is one little condom -- or rather the lack of one. Lucky Billy finds one at an all-night roadhou...

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