电影网>明星资料馆>David Livingston




剧情: In the early twenty-second century, the starship Enterprise is launched. Her mission is to explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations a...


Slice of Life

剧情: A man who\'s had a rough morning at the office feigns illness and, instead of heading home, drives 30 miles up the cape to an isolated beach where he takes off ...

"Strong Medicine"

剧情: Dr. Luisa Delgado ran the South Philly Women\'s Clinic so that poor women could get the medical help they needed. Dr. Dana Stowe did medical research on cancer ...


"Seven Days"

剧情: 美国 1998-10-07  1998 (French speaking region)|瑞典 1999-09-02  1999|法国 1999-09-12  1999|瑞士 1999-10-09  ...



剧情: 剧情简介自1966年第一部关于\"企业号\"的电视影集「星际争霸战」问世以来,风靡了全球无数的科幻迷,而这群死忠的狂热迷哥迷姊们甚至令英文多了个专属名词--\"星舰迷(trekkies)\";这群星舰迷对这出历经30余年的星舰史可说个个如数家珍,活脱脱是一部部会走路的星舰百科,不论编剧创造出多少令人眼花撩乱的角色,他们...



剧情: 美国 1996-09-23  1996|德国 1998-03-12  1998


"Star Trek: Voyager" Caretaker: Part 1

剧情: Captain Janeway is sent on her first mission as Captain off the USS Voyager, a Starfleet intrepid class vessel. There mission is to find out what happened to a ...

"Sliders" Pilot: Part 1

剧情: 德国 1997-11-02  1997|美国 1995-03-22  1995Prof. Maximillian P. Arturo: Jesus, Mary and Joseph. I think I\'ve just seen God and I coul...

"Star Trek: Voyager"

剧情: 美国 1995-01-16  1995|澳大利亚 1996-04-16  1996|德国 1996-06-21  1996|英国 1996-08-26  1996|克罗地亚 1997-01-...


"Star Trek: The Next Generation" All Good Things...

剧情: Past, present and future collide for Captain Picard as he finds himself bouncing around through three different time periods -- the Farpoint mission, the presen...

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